By entering the website, you confirm that you are of legal drinking age in the country where this site is accessed.
Terms and conditions
(T&C) for purchases from the webshop
1. Introduction
These Terms & Conditions (hereinafter: T&C) contain that terms and conditions of agreements arranged between the webshop operated under the domain address (hereinafter: Webshop), dealing with the sales of quality bottled wines (operated by: VAXCO Vineyards Kft. – hereinafter: Service Provider) and the persons above the age of 18 purchasing and consuming its products (hereinafter: Customer and/or Purchaser), which are expressly accepted and acknowledged by Customer, and shall be taken into account and adhere to by both Service Provider and Customer within the framework of this contractual relationship.
1.1 The Privacy Policy governs the rules of the management of Customer’s private data.
1.2 Those technical instructions required to use the website, which are not included in this T&C, are provided by the information available on the website. Customer acknowledges the provisions of these T&C by using this website.
1.3. Language of the Agreement: Hungarian.
1.4. The Agreement is deemed electronically (online) arranged agreement, which is not filed by Service Provider.
Service Provider does not submit itself to any code of conduct.
Customer accepts and acknowledges the provisions of these T&C by using the webshop, and is aware of the fact that alcoholic drinks may be ordered only by persons over the age of 18.
2. Service Provider’s data
Name: VAXCO Vineyards Kft
Registered seat: 3909 Mád, József Attila str. 25.
Postal address: 3909 Mád, Pf.18.
Name of Representative: Péter Szabó
Company reg. No.: 05-09-029088
Registering Court: Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County
VAT No.: 13248888-2-05
EU VAT No.: HU13248888
Bank account holder: Kereskedelmi és Hitelbank
Bank account No.: 10402434-49505652-51541026
IBAN bank account No.: HU68 1040 2434 4950 5652 5154 1026
E-mail address:
Phone No.: +36 47 306021
Domain Service Provider
Name: Tárhelypark Kft.
Registered seat: 1122 Budapest, Gaál József rd. 24.
VAT No.: 23289903-2-43
Company reg. No.: 01-09-322570
Phone: +36 1 700 4140
2.1. Activity performed on the website
On the website, the sales of wines produced by the Juliet Victor Winery is performed
2.2. Products available for purchase
Products of Juliet Victor, which may be ordered and purchased via the webshop, as well as personally in our property centre: 3909 Mád, József Attila str. 25. upon prior arrangement via phone or e-mail.
Product prices:
Betsek furmint 2018/ dry 8.990 HUF
Birtok furmint 2019 / dry 5.490 HUF
Úrágya furmint 2019 / dry 11.990 HUF
Bomboly furmint 2018/ dry 9.990 HUF
Király furmint 2018/ dry 9.990 HUF
Szamorodni 2017 / sweet 9.990 HUF
Aszú 2017 / sweet 24.990 HUF
Brut Nature sparkling wine 2020 / dry 5.490 HUF
Holdhárs 2020 / dry 5. 990HUF
3. Terms of Use
3.1 Liability
Description of liability matters, eg. in which cases or failures does the Service Provider exclude its liability. For example:
The User may use the website only at his/her own risk, and acknowledges that Service Provider shall not be liable for any damages or loss arising from the use of the website, beyond the liability for damages caused by intentional act, serious negligence or crime, or for liability for the breach of contract risking life, health or personal safety.
Service Provider disclaims all liabilities for the user’s behaviour, declaring that User shall be solely liable for his/her conduct.
User shall ensure that during the use of the website, third-party rights and provisions of law shall not be infringed neither directly, nor indirectly.
Service Provider is entitled but not required to monitor contents made available by Users during the use of the website (eg. comment), and in regards the disclosed contents, Service Provider is entitled but not required to look for signs of illegal activities, and shall not be liable for such contents.
3.2. Intellectual Property Rights
The complete website is protected by copyright, therefore its copy, modification or publishing are prohibited!
4. Purchase on the website
4.1. Ordering process
The website provides product introduction and online ordering opportunity for Users, who can browse the website using menu points. The products are available according to product types.
The products for order are available by clicking on the ‘WINES’ button.
The detailed product page is available from the product list by clicking on the product’s name, here the User can get informed about the detailed specification and price of the product to be ordered.
The selected product may be put into the cart by clicking on the ‘INTO CART’ button, the required quantity may be set next to the button on the left side. The User may check the content of the cart using the ‘CART’ menu point. Here the User may modify the quantity of the product placed into the cart, or delete the actual item. If You have modified the Cart’s content, click on the ‘Update Cart’ button. The User may proceed with the purchase by clicking on the ‘Checkout’ button.
During registration or purchase without registration, the User shall provide the following data: name, address, phone number, e-mail address, invoicing address or different delivery address. At registration, a password shall be also provided. User receives an e-mail about the successful registration. User may request the cancellation of the registration in e-mail from the Service Provider, in this case (s)he shall re-register for new purchases. User shall be liable for the confidentiality of access data. User is liable for updating his/her data, and shall notify Service Provider about any abuse with his/her data. In case of forgot password, a new one may be requested on the website to the registered e-mail address. If the User has already registered to the website, the ordering process may be continued by providing his/her e-mail address and password.
As the next step of the order, User has to choose an appropriate delivery time and payment method. User may check all previously provided data, the products to be ordered as well as their quantity. If everything seems to be OK, then s(he) may finalize his/her order by clicking on the ‘Send order’ button. User receives a confirmation on the website and in e-mail. If, following sending the order (eg. in the confirmation e-mail), observes any incorrect data, (s)he shall forthwith, but at least within 24 hours notify Service Provider using the e-mail address.
4.2. Offer validity, confirmation
Service Provider notifies User about the confirmation within 48 hours. If User does not receive the confirmation within 48 hours, then the offer is not binding on User anymore, and is not required to receive the ordered product.
The confirmation e-mail contains the data provided during the purchase, including the ordering data, the name and price of the ordered product(s), the selected payment and delivery methods, the order number and User’s remarks regarding the order.
4.3. Arrangement of the Agreement
The submission of the order is deemed electronic agreement, which is governed by the provisions of Act CVIII. of 2001 About Certain Matters Regarding the Services Related to the Electronic Trading Services and Information Society. The Agreement arranged between the Customer and the Company is the subject of the Government Decree 45/2014 (II.26) About the Detailed Rules of Agreements Between Customer and Company, taking the provisions of European Directive 2011/83/EU into consideration.
The Agreement is arranged upon the reception of the automatic confirmation.
4.4. Invoice
Service Provider shall issue an invoice right following the reception of the amount, and sends it to Customer.
4.5. Payment
Payment using credit/debit card or wire transfer are available in our webshop.
4.5.1. Wire transfer:
You may pay the required amount using wire transfer too.
Data required for wire transfer:
Beneficiary’s name: VAXCO Vineyards Kft.
Beneficiary’s bank account No.: please transfer the requested amount to the 10402434-49505652-51541026 bank account held by the Kereskedelmi és Hitelbank.
Please provide your full name and the order No. in the bank statement.
If choosing this payment method, User shall transfer the total purchase price, including the price of the ordered product(s) and the delivery fee according to the selected delivery method to Service Provider’s bank account. Wire transfer has additional costs. Upon the amount is received on the Service Provider’s bank account, a confirmation message is sent to User amount about the initiation of stockpiling, then the ordered product is sent by post.
4.5.2. Credit/debit card in the webshop
Using credit/debit card payment, You can pay in our webshop in an easy and convenient way. Following ordering the selected products, You are redirected to the website of K&H Bank where You can pay via an encrypted transaction considered as the most secure method by the Bank using your credit/debit card. Our Customers have nothing else to do than clicking on the ‘credit/debit card payment’ button, then provide the card’s number, expiry date and CCV code on the K&H Bank’s payment server. K&H Bank accepts VISA, VISA Electron, V-Pay, MasterCard, Maestro and JCB cards.
Credit/debit cards issued exclusively for electronic use may be accepted only if their use is permitted by the bank issuing the card! Please contact your bank, whether your card is suitable for online payment.
The K&H Bank issues an authorization number following the successful purchase, which is worth to note or print the whole page. In the event of unsuccessful payment, K&H Bank notifies the User about the reason of the failure.
Payment process:
- In the webshop, select that product, whose price You wish to pay using credit/debit card.
- Then You are redirected to K&H Bank’s secure payment site, where You have to provide the credit/debit card’s data (card No, cardholder’s name, expiry month/year) first. Please always check whether You are really redirected to the secure payment site, and if not, then check if the other site performing the transaction has the required security protocol or not.
- Following providing the card data, You can launch the transaction by clicking on the ‘payment’ or similar button. Following the payment, You return to the webshop or the Service Provider’s site, where (or via e-mail) You always get a confirmation about the transaction results. In case of credit/debit card payment, following the successful transaction (if the credit/debit card is accepted and considered as having enough coverage), the Bank initiates the charging of the bank account. The amount of the charge is identical to the amount displayed and confirmed during the transaction.
4.5.3. Credit/debit card on-site
By selecting this payment method, the User pays the total purchase price including the price of the ordered product(s), in person at the registered Seat in Mád, and receives the product.
4.6. Modify or delete order
Pursuant to the Act CVIII. of 2001, the webshop shall immediately send a notification to Customer about the reception of the order. This notification is not deemed an arrangement between Customer and Seller! It just notifies the Purchaser that the order request is registered by our system, and forwarded to the competent colleague. If it is not received by Customer within 48 hours, then the offer is not binding on Customer anymore. Seller provides the opportunity to Customer to electronically cancel his/her order until the performance of the order. At the beginning of the performance of the order, the Customer receives an e-mail notification about the expected date of the delivery and the fact of the performance, after that point, cancellation of the order is possible only via any of the availabilities under the ‘Contact’ menu point.
5. Reception options, Delivery
Delivery within Hungary
The delivery is performed in Hungary via courier service.
In other cases, the ordered product may be received personally under 3909 Mád, József Attila str. 25., on a previously arranged date.
Free shipping on orders over gross 16,000 HUF is provided in the entire region of Hungary.
For purchases below this limit, the gross shipping fee is 2500 HUF, if you choose to make a payment in advance via bank transfer or pay with credit card.
5.1. TNT courier service
Detailed description of delivery method
The product is delivered by TNT courier service.
The delivery is made from Monday to Friday between 8am to 5pm. The parcel may be tracked following its pick-up by entering the 9-digit tracking code sent by us to the TNT website
If there is nobody in the provided time to receive the parcel, then the courier attempts to deliver it on the next day, or please contact the courier to make the parcel delivered as soon as possible.
When receiving the product, the User shall check whether the product is free of damages. If any damage is noticed on the packing or the product itself, the User may request to draw up minutes, because by receiving the parcel from the courier or signing the reception document, the quality and quantity acceptance of the product is performed, meaning that the User may only exercise his/her cooling off right, therefore the courier can not accept any quality or quantity complaints afterwards.
If the parcel or the product is obviously damaged at reception, and the damage occurred prior to the reception of the product, the return or replacement of the product is provided by the Service Provider free of charge. Service Provider is not liable for any damage observed following the reception!
Delivery deadline: 5 business days
5.2. Sprinter Courier Service
Parcels ordered to a Hungarian address may also be shipped with the help of SPRINTER Courier Service Limited Liability Company.
We will hand over your parcel to the Sprinter Courier Service within 5 business days of your order. The Sprinter Courier Service will notify the customer by email of the expected arrival of the parcel by providing the delivery note / parcel number.
Then the Sprinter Courier Service will send an email notification about the expected arrival of the parcel during the evening hours of the business day prior to shipment.
The email contains the following information:
- date of delivery
- delivery note / parcel number
- cash on delivery amount
If you would like to track the delivery of the parcel online, click on the Parcel Search [Csomagkereső] button on website and enter the parcel’s delivery note / parcel number.
If the courier is unable to deliver the parcel to the address specified earlier, it will leave a delivery notice. Then you can inquire about the shipment at the telephone number indicated on the notification. In case of an unsuccessful delivery, the Sprinter Courier Service will make a second attempt to deliver the parcel free of charge at a new time agreed upon with the customer.
If you decide that you would like to receive your parcel at a different address, please inform the Customer Service of Sprinter about the change by email or phone. The date of delivery will be rescheduled by the Customer Service of Sprinter and the parcel will be shipped to the new address the next day or at the time agreed upon.
The Customer Service of the Sprinter Courier Service:
is available from 8AM to 7PM on business days by any of the following contacts:
Phone number: 061/347-3000 E-mail: Website:
Free shipping on orders over gross 16,000 HUF is provided in the entire region of Hungary.
For purchases below this limit, the gross shipping fee is 2500 HUF, if you choose to make a payment in advance via bank transfer or pay with credit card.
Delivery time: 5 business days
5.3 Delivery to Pick Pack Point
Pick Pack Point delivers parcels to over 800 network partner points of Pick Pack Point located in nearly 130 cities and towns across the country, where you can personally pick up your parcel ordered online.
Pick Pack Point provides a convenient and reliable personal pickup possibility at pickup points with long opening hours which may store the parcel for a maximum of 5 + 5 calendar days.
We will deliver your parcel to the Pick Pack Point and hand it over to the staff of the delivery point within 5 business days of placing your order. Your parcel can be tracked by entering the identification number received in your confirmation email at (use “Parcel tracker” function).
When your parcel arrives at the Pick Pack Point of your choice: the staff of Pick Pack Point will send you an e-mail.
If any problems arise with your parcel which you have picked up, contact the Customer Service of Pick Pack Point on the details provided below:
Contact details of Customer Service: 06 1 881 2615
Pick-up fee at Pick Pack Point:
To make the personal pickup process as fast as possible, please print the automatic confirmation e-mail notification you received or note down the identification number of your order.
During the pickup process, it will be necessary to verify your identity.
You must present your government-issued, official identity document (ID card, driver’s license, passport) before your parcel is handed over to you. If the parcel is picked up by a person other than the one indicated on the parcel, an authorization signed by two witnesses is required to receive the parcel.
The description, letter and number of the government-issued, official identity document and, if the parcel is taken over by the recipient indicated on the parcel, then the indication of “Recipient”, or, alternatively, if the parcel is taken over by another person, then the indication of “Deputy Recipient”, must be recorded on the copy of the delivery certificate remaining at the transferor. The delivery certificate and the authorization shall be stored in accordance with the applicable rules. The transferor is obliged to retain the authorization together with the delivery certificate.
Free shipping on orders over gross 16,000 HUF is provided in the entire region of Hungary.
For purchases below this limit, the gross shipping fee is 2500 HUF, if you choose to make a payment in advance via bank transfer or pay with credit card.
5.4 Foxpost
With the FoxPost parcel terminals, you can easily and flexibly pick up your orders in more than 120 locations around the country within just a few days.
The ordered products will be delivered by the help of FoxPost Zrt. to the Foxpost parcel terminal of your choice within 5 business days of placing your order.
Once the parcel is picked up by the Foxpost Courier Service, it will be delivered to the parcel terminal you specified within 1-3 business days so that you can pick it up from the Foxpost parcel terminal of your choice. The delivery time is primarily influenced by the saturation of the capacity of the terminal. You can find the discharge time of the parcel terminals at https: // website.
When the parcel arrives at the parcel machine, an SMS and email notification will be sent to the contact information you provided at the time of purchase. The parcel then can be picked up from the terminal for a maximum of 72 hours; if a holiday or public holiday falls within this period, the deadline for taking over your parcel will automatically be extended.
You can use the unique unlock code sent only to you in message to open the appropriate door of the parcel terminal. The SMS contains the exact deadline (day, hour, minute) until the parcel can be taken over from the parcel terminal.
In case of home delivery, the delivery time is 5 business days after our courier has picked up the parcel from the parcel terminal. You can find more information about the discharge time of the parcel terminals at https: // website.
Free shipping on orders over gross 16,000 HUF is provided in the entire region of Hungary.
For purchases below this limit, the gross shipping fee is 2500 HUF, if you choose to make a payment in advance via bank transfer or pay with credit card.
5.5. Personal reception
In 3909 Mád, József Attila str. 25. on a previously arranged date.
6. Cooling-off
6.1. Procedure of exercising cooling-off right
The provisions of this point refer only for natural persons acting beyond his/her profession or business activity, who purchase, order, receive, use, avail product, or who is addressed by the commercial communication or offer related to the product (hereinafter: Customer).
Customer may exercise his/her cooling-off right within fourteen (14) days from the delivery of the product or the provision of the latest Service received by the Customer or the third party other than the haulier designated by the Customer.
Customer is entitled to exercise his/her cooling off right between the date of arranging the Agreement and the reception of the product.
If the Customer is willing to exercise his/her cooling off right, (s)he shall send his/her statement (eg. via post, telefax or electronic mail) to any of the Service Provider’s availabilities specified in the point 1. of this T&C.
Service Provider shall forthwith confirm the reception of Customer’s cooling off statement in e-mail.
In case of written cooling off, it shall be deemed received in time, if the Customer sends his/her relevant statement within 14 calendar days to Service Provider.
At notification sent by post, the dispatch to the post, whilst in case of e-mail or telefax, the date of sending the e-mail or fax is taken into consideration by Service Provider regarding calculating the deadline. Customer sends his/her mail as registered mail, to prove the date of the dispatch.
In case of cooling off, Customer shall return the ordered product to Service Provider’s address specified in point 1.2 without any unreasonable delay, but latest on the 14th day from sending the cooling-off statement. The deadline is deemed met if Customer sends (dispatches on post or hands over to the courier designated by him/her) the product prior to the expiry of the 14-day-deadline.
The cost of returning the product to Service Provider’s address burdens the Customer. Service Provider is not required to receive a parcel sent by cash-on-delivery. Beside the returning costs of the product, Customer shall not pay any other costs regarding the cooling off.
If Customer exercises his/her cooling-off right, Service Provider shall forthwith, but latest within 14 days from receiving Customer’s cooling off statement, return all remuneration paid by Customer, including the transportation (delivery) cost, excluding those additional costs, which arise due to the fact that Customer chose a delivery method other than the usual and cheapest method offered by Service Provider. Service Provider is entitled to retain the return as long as it does not receive the product, or Customer does not certify that (s)he returned it: Service Provider takes the earlier date into consideration.
Service Provider applies a payment method identical to the method applied during the original transaction, except Customer expressly gives his/her consent to avail another payment method; Customer shall not pay any additional cost due to choosing this returning method.
Customer is liable for the amortisation of the product only if it is due to the use of the product exceeding the level required to check the nature, properties and operation of the product.
6.2. When the Customer is not entitled to exercise his/her cooling-off right
In case of Agreement in the subject of provision of services, following the performance of the whole service, if Service Provider began the performance upon the prior consent of Customer, and Customer acknowledged that following the performance of the whole service, (s)he loses his/her cooling-off right.
In case of such product or service, whose price or fee depends on the fluctuation beyond Service Provider’s control within the 14 days cooling-off period.
In case of such pre-manufactured product, which was created by Service Provider upon Customer’s order or request, or in case of such product, which is obviously customized on the actual Customer.
In regards perishable products or products not preserving their quality for longer period of time.
In regards such sealed packed product, which shall not be returned due to health or hygienic reasons following opening.
In regards such product, which, by its nature, is inseparable mixed with other products following delivery.
In regards such alcoholic drinks, whose real value depends on the market fluctuations beyond Service Provider’s control, and whose price was arranged by the parties when signing the Sale & Purchase Agreement, although it is performed only following the 30th day from the arrangement.
In regards such Contract for Service, where Service Provider contact User on User’s explicit request to perform urgent repair or maintenance works.
In regards the sale of sealed packed audio or video recording and computer software, if Customer has opened the package following delivery.
In regards newspaper and magazine, excluding subscriptions.
In regards Agreements arranged on public auction.
Accommodation agreement except home service, transportation, vehicle rent, catering or freetime-related service, if a deadline or a term for the performance is specified in the Agreement.
In regards digital data content provided on immaterial data medium, if Service Provider began the performance upon Customer’s explicit, prior consent, and Customer provided a statement of acknowledgement, that (s)he loses his/her cooling off right following the beginning of the performance.
7. Warranty
7.1. Product warranty
We replace the unopened bottle within 15 days pursuant to the Warranty Decree. Following this deadline, Customer loses his/her right. A report shall be made about it. In the report, the date of arranging the Agreement and the failure’s description shall be recorder. Customer shall prove the date of arranging the Agreement. If the Company denies Customer’s claim, then it shall notify him/her about that (s)he may turn to the Conciliation Board operating at the Economic Association.
As product warranty claim, User may request only the repair or replacement of the defective product.
The product is deemed defective, if it does not meet the quality requirements effective at the time of entry on the market or does not have the properties presented in the manufacturer’s specification.
User may exercise his/her product warranty claim only against the manufacturer or distributor of the goods.
The product’s failure shall be proven by User in case of submitting product warranty claim.
Manufacturer (Distributor) is excluded from its product warranty liability only if it can prove that:
- the product was manufactured or distributed beyond its business activity, or
- the failure, according to the science and technology, was not obvious in the date of distribution, or
- the product’s failure is due to the application of provisions of laws or mandatory regulatory requirements.
Manufacturer (Distributor) is required to prove only one exclusion reason.
7.2. Warranty
About the mandatory warranty of certain durables, the Government Decree 151/2003 (IX.22) About the Warranty of Certain Durables includes provisions. The Decree’s (material) effect covers only new products distributed in Hungary within customer agreements, and only products listed in the Annex of the Decree.
In regards the durables listed in the Annex of the Government Decree, the mandatory warranty is 1 year, whose starting date is the day of handing over the product to Customer, or if the installation is performed by Service Provider or its assigned party, the date of installation.
The Company is exempted from its warranty liability only if it proves that the reason of the failure occurred following the performance.
Regarding the same failure, Customer shall not submit claims for product warranty and warranty in parallel, otherwise the User is entitled to exercise his/her warranty rights nevertheless the rights specified in points 5.1 and 5.2.
7.3. Enforcement of warranty claims
User may submit his/her warranty claims on the following availabilities:
Name: VAXCO Vineyards Kft
Mailing address: 3909 Mád, József Attila str. 25.
Phone No.: +36 47 306021
E-mail address:
Law enforcement opportunities
Place, date and method of submitting complaints
User may submit his/her customer complaints related to the product or the activity of the Service Provider on the following availabilities:
Name: VAXCO Vineyards Kft
Mailing address: 3909 Mád, József Attila str. 25.
Phone No.: +36 47 306021
E-mail address:
Service Provider shall forthwith, if possible, rectify the issues stated in the complaint. If the immediate rectification of the oral complaint is not possible due to the nature of the complaint or if User does not accept the complaint management, then Service Provider shall draw up minutes about the complaint, which shall be preserved for five years including its reply.
Service Provider shall personally (in the business premises) hand over one copy of the minutes to User in case of oral complaint, or if it is not possible, then it shall act according to the provisions regulating written complaints.
Service Provider, in case of oral complaint made via phone or other electronic telecommunication service, shall send the copy of the minutes to User latest together with the substantive reply.
In every other case, Service Provider acts according to the provisions referring to the written complaints.
An individual ID is attached to the complaint recorder via phone or other telecommunication service by Service Provider, which simplifies the searching for the complaint later.
Service Provider shall reply on the received written complaint within 30 days. The act means, in term of this agreement, dispatch to post.
In case of denying the complaint, Service Provider shall notify User about the reasons of the denial.
7.4. Other law enforcement opportunities
If the legal dispute arising between Service Provider and User can not be managed by negotiations, the following law enforcement options are available for User:
- Submitting a complaints to the Consumer Protection Authority,
- Initiation of Conciliation Board (the availabilities of the Conciliation Board competent according to the Service Provider’s registered seat shall be presented),
- Initiation of Court Proceedings
Complaint forums
Consumer Protection Authority
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Government Office
Szerencsi Region
Region Head: Dr. Tünde Ináncsi
Address: 3900 Szerencs, Rákóczi rd. 63.
Phone No.: +36 47 777 561
Fax: +36 47 495 090
Customer reception: Monday: 8.00-12.00 & 13.00-16.00, Wednesday: 8.00-12.00 & 13.00-16.00, Friday: 8.00-12.00
Conciliation Board:
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén Country Conciliation Board
Address: 3525 Miskolc, Szentpáli str. 1.
Phone No.: +36 46 501-091, 501-870
Fax No.: +36 46 501099
President: Dr. Péter Tulipán
E-mail address:
Commercial Authority:
Mád Local Council’s Notary
Phone: +36 47 348003/ ext. 11., +36 20 5811 077 / ext. 11
Fax: +47 348016
Consumer Protection links
You can find more consumer protection information on the following websites:
General laws and regulations
Specialties of electronic trade
8. Other
8.1. Modification of T&C and prices
Service Provider may modify this T&C and the prices of the products distributed on the website anytime for the future, the modification enters into force on the day following the disclosure on the website, and effective only for transactions following the entry into force.
Procedure in case of incorrect price
It may occur, that due to eg. technical failure, an incorrect price is presented on the website. In case of incorrect price, we can not accept the order (your offer) at the incorrect price, and we are not required to sell the product for the incorrect price. In case of placing an offer with incorrect price, no Agreement is arranged between us.
If You place an offer with incorrect price, the system automatically confirms that, although it shall not be deemed as the acceptance of the offer from our side. In case of placing an offer with incorrect price, the sales colleague raises your attention on the correct price, and may offer the arrangement of the Agreement with the correct price.
You are not required to place on offer with the correct price notified by the Seller instead of the incorrect price. In such case, no Agreement is arranged between the parties.
8.2. Technical limits
Purchase on the website assumes the knowledge and acknowledgement of the limitations of the Internet from User, in particular the technical performances and occurring failures. Service Provider shall not be liable for any operational failure observed in the Internet network, preventing the operation of the website and therefore the purchase.
8.3. Data privacy policy
Service Provider’s data Privacy Policy is available on the following link:
The protection of your personal data has a key importance for VAXCO Vineyards Kft. The collection and processing of personal data suitable for identification, required for the operation of our website meet the Hungarian data privacy regulations in force (Act CXII. of 2011).
Your personal data are managed confidentially, and not forwarded to third parties, except if it is required for the performance of this Agreement (eg. post, courier service). Our colleagues, partners and service providers shall also comply with the confidentiality regulations.
Entry into force of these Terms & Conditions: 27th March 2020.
Thank You for your inquiry!